






On Friday, 9th May, Primary 6th pupils, their teachers, the English teacher and the town council archeologist visited some historical places in Almacelles: the silos covers, the outer part of the Museum, Clara’s house, the lord’s grain store, and the outer parts of the town hall and the church. The English teacher prepared the excursion in the classroom and pupils will have an exam about it, as usual.


Les fotos







On Friday, 11th April, the Primary 6th pupils with their classroom teachers, their English teacher and their PE teacher went on an excursion to visit the IsàvenaValley.


We saw Capella medieval bridge and there we had breakfast in a park by the river. Then we visited medieval Roda bridge. In a third stop we visited Ovarra romanesque monastery and there we had lunch and the pupils had playtime.


In the afternoon we saw Serraduy bridge and visited Roda d’Isàvena, the cathedral façade and cloister and the square.


Finally in Graus we could see the renaissance main square, the basilica and the viewpoint from which we say the Isàvena-Ésssera confluence.


We had a great time and could see what we had prepared before the trip.


Les fotos













I per celebrar-ho hem realitzat un mural molt xulo. Al pòster hi podem llegir un refrany en anglès que hi diu:

“April shower bring may flowers”

Que vol dir que les pluges de l’abril porten les flors de maig.






And we want to celebrate it making a beautifulposter. In that poster we can read an English well-known sentence:

“April showers bring may flowers”









ast Friday 21st March, Primary 5th pupils visited the elements that make possible the Aragon and Catalonia canal.

The trip started near Alfarràs, in the canal confluence, where Aragon and CataloniaCanal and Canal connection join together.

The next stop was in St Anna Dam. We have breakfast near Benavarri and we continued the trip to Barasona Dam. Mr Julio, the person who is in charge of the dam, explained us how the dam works. It was very interesting.

After visiting the dam, we travelled to “Labitolosa”. It is a Roman settle. There is an ancient Roman village and Thermal baths.

We had lunch near Barasona Reservoir. While we were coming back home, we stopped at Perera Aqueduct and Sosa siphon. They are two amazing structures that maintain the water level.


We enjoyed a lot the trip. We learnt, played and discovered too many things about the canal that provide water to Almacelles.




El divendres 21 de març de 2014 l’alumnat de 5è vam començar a treballar el projecte interdisciplinari, que tracta sobre el cicle de l’aigua i vam fer vam fer una sortida per veure els embassaments ¡ totes les infraestructures que s’han fet per poder disposar diàriament d’aquest bé tan necessaria Almacelles.

La primera parada la vam fer al canal d’enllaç, a l’aqüeducte Coll de Foix.

La segona, a la presa de Santa Anna.

La tercera parada la vam fer per esmorzar a prop de Benavarri .

La quarta, a la presa de Barasona.

La cinquena parada va ser al poblat romà de Labitolosa,

on vam veure l’ajuntament romà i les termes.

La sisena parada la vam fer en un restaurant de Graus anomenat “el Subenuix”; vam parara dinar.

La setena va ser una breu parada a la primera petita presa original al canal.

A la vuitena parada vam veure el sifó de Sosa.

La novena parada vam anar a veure l’aqüeducte de Perera.



A tots ens ha agradat molt l’excursió, perquè hem après moltescoses i perquè era molt interessant veureembassaments, aqüeductes i sifons. Hem après com i d’on ve l’aigua a Almacelles, ve dels pantans de Barasona ide Santa Anna.


Les fotos







Continuant amb la nostra aposta per la llengua anglesa, hem fet un racó a la biblioteca per als llibres amb anglès.

Tots els nens i nenes de l’escola podran agafar en préstec un llibre en aquesta llengua.

Els llibres estan tots etiquetats segons les edats a qui van adreçats. En tenim de tots els nivells.

Des d’aquí animem a tot l’alumnat a provar aquesta nova experiència i a continuar fent un bon treball amb l’anglès fora de l’horari escolar.






On Monday, 28th of October we celebrated Halloween in the school. Pupils of 5th degree got dressed with scary costumes and we sang a song for the rest of classes. The song was spooky and at the end we gave a candy for each of them.

Everybody enjoyed a lot.

Here you can watch a video of our monsters, zombies, ghost and witches!!!!!!