Anna Esteban, Llicència d'estudis a St Helens, 2005-06

1. Introduction
2. Working in St Helens, England

3. Lesson Plans
      3.1 Methodology
3.2 English into art classes
      3.3 Objectives     
      3.4 Evaluation    
      3.5 Units
4. Conclusions
5. Bibliography
6. Resources


It is the way to represent and express through the study and experiment of  shape and colour using a range of materials and glue together.

Collage, a French word meaning pasting or gluing, is a very flexible art form. It can take you beyond the limitation of paints and brushes and introduce you to a new world of creative picture making.


  • To combine familiar things into new and original ways,
  • To organise space,
  • To learn about concept of surface,
  • To relate shape and colour,
  • To learn the concept of texture
  • To study and investigate diverse materials,
  • To practise composition.


1 - Working with photos
2 - Tessellating