Anna Esteban, Llicència d'estudis a St Helens, 2005-06

1. Introduction
2. Working in St Helens, England

3. Lesson Plans
      3.1 Methodology
3.2 English into art classes
      3.3 Objectives     
      3.4 Evaluation    
      3.5 Units
4. Conclusions
5. Bibliography
6. Resources


It's the basic way to develop shape. Drawing has a wonderful quality of immediacy of something that is happening now.

Drawing is a skill. Drawing like photography can be done artistically and creatively, but not all drawing is art and not all drawing is creative. The ability to draw is actually acquired by practice.

Drawing is not merely a medium of creative planning. Drawing on paper can also be a vital, expressive and creative end product.

Teaching observation and expressive drawing is a basic part of teaching creativity.
Art is much more than drawing, but there is probably nothing more basic than drawing.
The activities will include drawing from observation, from memories and experience and from imagination.


  • To express through means of shapes
  • To communicate ideas
  • To develop creativity
  • To develop the ability to use different qualities of line to express feelings, moods
  • To develop the ability to observe and record them accurately
  • To develop in every child the natural talent and ideas that make every artist unique.

Activities :

1. Portraits and Proportions
2. Symbols, Shapes and Geometry
3. Drawing from observation